Sunday, May 9, 2010

What Should Be Done About Identity Theft?

Identity theft is becoming more and more practiced in our modern age society, scam artists manipulate victims by sending official looking e-mail messages requesting for credit card numbers, banking details or other personal information,this is known as phishing,this information is used for illegal acts and fraud.identity theft can be reduced or even stopped by taking certain precautions like been more careful and alert when giving out personal information especially online.also having a credit card monitoring service to track transactions made from your credit card is a good step.I think the government should be responsible for protecting the public against identity theft and improve privacy laws also more punishment (increased jail time) should be issued especially to foreign scam artists,on the other hand credit card companies should provide monitoring service to all costumers to avoid taking the blame.

1 comment:

  1. identity theft well i think those people should be banned and punished because to me its like they are committing a crime and they should be punished fairly by law
